Chair: Cllr Darren Knipe
Vice Chair: Cllr Mark Hughes
Cllr Andrew Beavan
Cllr John Lane
Cllr Roy Lloyd
Cllr Hannah Plumb
Cllr Jane Thomas
Finance Working Group: Cllrs Hughes, Knipe and Lane
Care of Clerk Group: Cllrs Knipe and Plumb
Representative on the Llanfair Times: Cllrs Hughes and Knipe.
Environmental Maintenance Grant co-ordinators: Cllrs Beavan and Lloyd
Representative on the Environmental Climate Change Action Working Group: Cllr Plumb and Thomas
Disclosable Pecuniary Interest Forms may be seen on the Shropshire Council Website.
Parish Clerk: Mr James McVicar Email: [email protected]
Footpaths Warden: Emily Powell